Inquiry and customer support center

If you have any questions, please submit them through our inquiry form.
We will contact you through the appropriate person in charge as soon as possible.

Agree to our terms and conditions

  • Purpose of personal information collection/use
    – It is used to secure communication channels such as identity identification for complaints handling related to service use, operation of customer center, prevention of fraudulent use, delivery of notices, confirmation of personal intention, etc.
  • Items of personal information to be collected : name, contact information, e-mail
    – The following information may be created and collected in the process of using the consultation reservation service.
  • Retention and use period of personal information
    – The retention period is 5 years, and if the information provider requests its deletion, it is immediately destroyed.
    – Customer information is protected in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and we promise not to use it for anything other than the above.